Agility Dave Martin Agility Dave Martin

Pair Coaching

One of the main technical practices that we recommend for teams is pair programming. Under pair programming, two people work on the same piece of code, with each checking the other's work in real time. It's a great way to boost the quality of the code delivered. It's not just code either. It works for testers (one of the most effective pairs is a developer and a tester pairing on something), UX designers, business process folks and so on. Any sort of work can benefit from a second pair of eyes.

Why then do agile coaches tend to work alone? It's very rare to see two coaches working together on anything. While we teach pairing, we coaches tend to work solo. I think this is unfortunate. On the few occasions where I have had the opportunity to work closely with another coach, it has always been a really good experience. So why then don't we do it more often?

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Agility Dave Martin Agility Dave Martin

Coach Addiction

Agile coaches help teams. Right? Having a coach to help guide a team means they are more likely to become a successful, high performing agile team. Right? That's why organisations are prepared to pay for agile coaches. But is there a down side to coaching? Can coaching hinder a team, rather than help it?

Imagine, if you will, a team. They are on about sprint 20, you are their new agile coach, taking over after the last one left. You are observing a retrospective and they are doing what they should be doing - working out what went well, and what didn't. "Why", you are thinking, "do they need a coach after 20 sprints? They seem to be doing fine". Then they get to the "what should we change for next time" bit, and all eyes in the room turn to you. "This is where you, as our coach, tell us what to do so we can get better" they say. "Work it out", you say, "Self-organise around the problem and solve it". "No", they say, "you have to tell us what to do". Then you notice that there is no sprint planning scheduled for the next sprint. "That's your job" the team says. "You tell us what to do and we do it". Welcome to the dark world of coach addiction.

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Agility Dave Martin Agility Dave Martin

Organisational Change Through Experiments

First up, a huge thanks to Mike Pollard for the inspiration on this one. This all started with a meeting invite from Mike to set up some experiments in organisational change. We all know that organisational change is hard. Organisations tend to resist change so doing any sort of substantial change is a lot of work, and also prone to failure as organisations slip quietly back into their old way of doing things. Since real agile success relies somewhat on changing some pretty fundamental things in the organisation, this has always been a pretty major limiting factor in agile adoptions - success relies on change and is limited by how much change we can introduce. Change is hard which limits the amount of success we can have.

Mike's idea was quite simple - rather than try to change the whole organisation, why not set up some small experiments instead? That gives the organisation a low risk way to see what works and what doesn't. Once we have some successful experiments we should have some good, hard data to back us up when we push for a wider rollout.

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Agility Dave Martin Agility Dave Martin

Release Train? Or Release Metro? What cadence works for you?

We have all heard about the Release Train as a concept for managing agile at scale. It's a pretty good metaphor. A train leaves the station according to a set timetable. The passengers fill up the train when they are ready to depart and if you arrive late, you miss the train and catch the next one. Software releases under a release train work the same way - the train leaves the station (releases to production) according to a set timetable. While waiting, the train gets filled with completed features and if a feature arrives late, it waits for the next train.

Not a bad metaphor, and, for some businesses, not a bad way to organise a release cadence either. However, for other businesses, a release cadence like that is not appropriate. It may be too fast. Or too slow. Maybe what you need isn't a train, but a metro. On a metro, smaller trains arrive and leave so frequently that no timetables are needed. Just turn up and hop on the next train. Or is your release more like an ocean liner? Their arrival and departure is large, infrequent and marked by a lot of fanfare (and more than a little cursing by those doing the hard work of steering the thing in).

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Agility Dave Martin Agility Dave Martin

Agile Speeds Delivery Of Value Not Code

In the agile community we love fast. Fast feedback, fast delivery. Fast is good. Slow is bad. Why then is the most common complaint I get about agile - "All this team stuff distracts me from writing code. We can't deliver fast if I can't write code". That's a good point. We are taking our devs away from coding to some extent. In an agile team they can’t just sit down in a corner with their headphones on and just cut code solidly for a week. There's a lot of team interaction that has to go on to make the team run smoothly.

So are we, by doing agile, slowing down delivery of code? Quite possibly yes. But what about fast delivery? How can we say we are about delivering fast but slow down the people who are actually delivering the code? The thing is, we don't actually deliver code. If we just delivered code we would go out of business. What we deliver is working, tested, fit for purpose code. More fundamentally than that, what we deliver is business value, not code. Agile is all about speeding the delivery of value, not the delivery of code.

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Agility Dave Martin Agility Dave Martin

Agile - Risk Reduction Not Speed Improvement

Faster, Better, Cheaper. That's the way agile is usually sold. Faster delivery, with better quality and lower cost. That's the pitch I hear over and over from people trying to get organisations on board with agile. It's an attractive pitch too. Who wouldn't want something faster, better and cheaper? The only problem with the pitch is that it's not really true. Not initially anyway. Agility will eventually get an organisation delivering faster, better and cheaper but, at least initially, it will be slower and more expensive (it will usually be better quality though). It may well stay slower and more expensive for a long time if the organisation has to overcome a lot of legacy (not just code but culture and processes as well).

So when the organisation goes to measure its new agile initiative and finds that it's not getting what it was sold, questions get asked. And well they should. The first is usually "Why?", to which the standard answer is "cultural change is hard....", the next is usually "When?", to which the answer is usually a shrug and some more about how hard cultural change is. This is often the point where the senior leaders that were really keen on agile, suddenly stop being keen on agile and organisational support vanishes. Given the length of time it takes a big organisation to get to faster, better, cheaper with agile, we really do ourselves no favours by using that as our selling point. What we need is something we can have an immediate (or at least relatively quick) impact on, that is also going to have a positive impact on the business. Fortunately it exists - risk. Agility should be sold as a means of reducing risk.

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Agility Dave Martin Agility Dave Martin

Legacy is Anything Without Feedback

This post is the result of a conversation I had the other day, over a few after-work beers with Andrew Knevitt. He deserves a large part of the credit (and/or blame) for this for starting the ball rolling. Andrew was bemoaning the amount of legacy he had to deal with and I immediately started talking about code and automated testing. This wasn't what Andrew was referring to though. He was working mostly with business process and was referring to the problem of legacy business process. We all know the problems of legacy code - hard to maintain, fragile, lots of manual testing required. Legacy business processes have similar problems - clumsy, fragile, constantly out of date, lots of manual work required, and so on.

We both agreed that legacy process was a problem but neither of us could come up with a good explanation of what made a business process legacy. It's more than age - some old processes work really well but some brand new ones are out of date as soon as the ink is dry. So what makes a business process legacy? During the course of the discussion, I trotted out one of the more common definitions of legacy code - legacy code is any code written without automated tests. That was when the lightbulb went on for both of us. Legacy business process is any business process without a built-in feedback loop. But not just any feedback loop. A 2 yearly process review cycle isn't enough. It has to be fast feedback.

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Agility Dave Martin Agility Dave Martin

Great Boards Have Nothing To Do With The Board

I am working with a team that has a great VMB. It's the first thing people say when they walk past and see a stand-up in progress - "what a fantastic VMB" they say. And it is indeed fantastic. It represents the team's work really well. It's clear and easy to understand. It shows obstacles and what the team is doing to overcome them. It really assists the team in their stand-ups. It facilitates discussions between the team and its stakeholders.

The next question people invariably ask is -"can we set up our board like that?" Of course they can. The VMB design isn't proprietary to the team. Anyone can use it. So they do. Copies of this fantastic board are springing up everywhere, but pretty soon they come back and say "there's something wrong. Our stand-ups don't flow as well as yours and the board just doesn't work. Have we copied something wrong?" Yes they have. They have copied the wrong thing entirely. The thing they haven't realized is that my team's fantastic board, and the fantastic stand-ups and discussions it facilitates, has nothing at all to do with the layout of the board, and everything to do with the performance of the team.

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Agility Dave Martin Agility Dave Martin

Fully Alligned

Over the last few weeks we have been looking at the various organisational alignment patterns - top down, bottom up, etc. In each of those, the way to move forward once you have hit the limits of that particular pattern was always to extend alignment vertically and horizontally to other parts of the organisation. I made mention of a wondrous state that could be achieved where the whole organisation shares the same goals and is working together towards a common goal. Welcome to the Fully Aligned pattern.

This is the end goal for any enterprise agile adoption. This is the pattern that will really let you grow agile within the organisation and firmly embed it into the culture. This isn't just a desirable end state though. In my experience this is a necessary end state if agile is to thrive and become part of the organisational culture. Without full alignment, agile tends to wither away to a sort of agile-ish (or fragile) set of practices that are followed without really understanding why and more importantly without really delivering real business benefit. If agile is to deliver real benefits at the enterprise level, you need to achieve alignment.

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Agility Dave Martin Agility Dave Martin

Business Lead

Last time we looked at one horizontal alignment direction - IT lead; today we'll look at the other - Business lead. This is much less common than IT lead. Agile has its origins in software development and the IT side of an organisation is usually much more aware of agile and agility as a concept than the business side so it is natural that the drive for agile would come from there. Business lead does happen though. The problem is that when it's business driving agility, it's either because the business is really advanced and is actively seeking out ways to transform itself (great but not likely) or they have issues with their IT department and have heard of this thing called Agile which apparently makes IT departments deliver stuff.

Yes, if the push is from business, it's usually because there are delivery issues and someone in business has seen agile and sees it as a way to make the IT guys deliver faster, or better, or cheaper, or some combination of all three. Even when business is asking for agile, it is still (most of the time) seen very much as an IT thing. The brief is usually "go make our IT teams agile". Of course the IT teams just love business folks telling them how to write software don't they? If your business is in the "really advanced and looking for ways to transform itself" category then it's likely your IT department is as well and your life just got a whole lot easier. But that's a different pattern.

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Agility Dave Martin Agility Dave Martin

Horizontal Alignment

So far we have looked at the vertical component of organisational alignment - which level of the business is pushing for change. Today we will look at the other dimension. Most businesses are split vertically into different layers of management and also horizontally into different operational units. Every enterprise does this a bit differently but in most of them the main split is usually between "business" and "IT".

Business groups connect directly with customers and come up with new products and features. IT groups tend to sit in the background and do... geek stuff. Now, those who have been doing agile for a while will know that one of the things agile does is to break down this artificial split and align IT teams directly with the business. For an organisation right at the start of its agile journey though, you are more likely to see this structure than not. When planning the transformation, one of the keys is finding where

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Agility Dave Martin Agility Dave Martin

Organisational Alignment - Middle Out

We have been looking at organisational alignment patterns over the last few posts. We have covered the two common ones - bottom up and top down. Today I'll look at a far less common one - Middle Out. As the name implies, this pattern occurs when change is being pushed by the middle of the organisation - middle management.

Actually uncommon is an understatement, middle out is so rare that I have never seen it in the wild. It's still worth looking at though, as winning over middle management is key to the success of the top down and bottom up patterns we looked at previously. By looking at why middle out is so uncommon, it can help us to understand what prevents change from occurring at this level in large organisations, and to see what we can do to change that. What we are talking about here is the phenomenon of the frozen middle.

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Agility Dave Martin Agility Dave Martin

Organisational Alignment - Top Down

Last time we looked at the bottom up pattern. Today we'll look at its inverse - the top down pattern. In this case, the top levels of the organisation want agile but the levels below them are resisting (again, if they aren't... great, but that's a different pattern). This can be a tricky pattern as senior execs may want agile but often don't know much about what it is and what it means for their organisation. With most agile adoptions, you need to spend a lot of time educating your detractors, with this pattern you may need to spend as much time educating your supporters as well.

They probably see agile as a delivery methodology and expect it to be implemented that way. They don't see it as a major cultural change at all levels (including theirs). Tread carefully. Don't lose them. It's very easy to go in too hard, making it seem like too big a change too quickly. Senior managers got where they are by successfully managing risk. They tend to be quite risk averse. They will want to see a strategy that manages organisational risk during the transition.

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Agility Dave Martin Agility Dave Martin

Organisational Alignment - Bottom Up

Today I'll start looking at organisational alignment patterns. The first thing I should do is explain what the heck I mean by that. In this context, organisational alignment is which parts of the organisation are supporting an agile adoption. This is a really key thing to know because where the support for agile is coming from will seriously affect how agile can be introduced, how far it can go before it meets resistance, the type of resistance it can meet and so on. Having worked as a coach in a number of companies, I have found that organisations tend to align around agile in a number of fairly standard ways. I call these standard ways alignment patterns. There are two dimensions to an alignment pattern - vertical (which layers of the business are aligned) and horizontal (which parts of the business are aligned).

If you can pick which alignment pattern you are dealing with, that gives you some insight into the sorts of issues you will experience when managing an agile transition. Knowing your alignment pattern lets you pick the right adoption pattern to get the best success. Essentially, different alignment patterns work well with certain adoption patterns while blocking others. Pick the adoption pattern that matches your alignment pattern and things will go smoother than picking one that is incompatible. Or if you want to use a particular adoption pattern but it's incompatible with the current alignment pattern, then you may need to change the organisational alignment before proceeding. Anyway. I'll talk more about this mixing of patterns later. First I'll start by describing the basic alignment patterns, starting with the most common - the bottom up pattern.

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Agility Dave Martin Agility Dave Martin

Agile Patterns

Last post I briefly mentioned a patterns based approach to agile adoption within enterprises. I should probably spend a little time explaining what I mean by that. The first question, of course, is what do I mean by a pattern?

Back a few years, when things were still made by hand, a craftsman who wanted to make a set of things that were the same each time would make one reference piece, measured and constructed very accurately, and use it to create more pieces that looked the same. That reference piece would be carefully labelled with instructions on which way to align wood grains (or whatever was appropriate) and which techniques to use to construct it. This reference piece was called a pattern. There was even a specialised skill within workshops called patternmaker, with its own set of specialised (and very accurate) tools. So a pattern is a template or a guide to doing something. It's a way to reliably and consistently make copies of something.

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Agility Dave Martin Agility Dave Martin

SAFe SPC Course

A few weeks ago, I went on the SAFe SPC course, and passed the exam which means I'm a fully qualified, newly minted SAFe Program Consultant. I thought I'd give you a quick rundown of the course and my impressions of SAFe now that I'm apparently some kind of SAFe Jedi master.

For those who have been living under a rock for the last few years, SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework For Enterprises) is, as the name suggests, a scaling methodology for enterprise agile adoption. It is, to put it mildly, somewhat controversial, with many deeply in love with the methodology and some very strongly against it for many reasons. In the interests of full disclosure, I should say at the outset that I went into the course as someone pretty much on the anti-SAFe side. There were many things about the methodology that I didn't like, but I'm a big believer in giving things a fair go, so when the chance came up to go on the course, I figured I'd give it a go and let the other side have its say. So... what was it like?

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Agility Dave Martin Agility Dave Martin

Control Charts

A couple of posts ago I promised you a post on Control Charts. Here it is. For those of you who have never come across these before, they are come from the field of Statistical Process Control (no... really... don't go...stay with me here... it's worth it, I promise). They provide a means of charting process data in a way that answers the single most important question you should be thinking of when looking at a chart of process data. No it's "not when can I go home?", or even "I wonder whether stabbing myself in the eye with this pencil will be more interesting?". It's – "what's normal?". When does the chart show normal variation and when does it show something I should be concerned about? Is this spike in the data something I need to investigate, or is it normal?

There are about a dozen different types of control chart for different types of data and you can use the various types to build a chart for just about any metric you choose, but for an agile project the most useful ones to chart are Velocity and Lead/Cycle Time. Even better, these two metrics use the simplest possible type of control chart – the IMR chart or Individual & Moving Range chart.

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Agility Dave Martin Agility Dave Martin

Personal Kanban

I know I promised you guys an article on Control Charts but I have had a bunch of people ask me about my use of Personal Kanban over the last few weeks so I thought I'd take a break from agile metrics and talk about that instead. Fear not though, definitely control charts next time.

One of the questions I get asked a lot as an agile coach is whether agile applies to non-IT projects. I will explain that yes, agile works really well with non-IT and at this point I usually mention that I use Kanban at home for my things to do around the house. At this point people tend to look at me strangely. Then I mention that we have a Kanban board in the kitchen for the kids to do their chores on, and my son has a Kanban board in his bedroom to do his homework on. This usually makes people start to back away slowly. I thought I'd take a few minutes and explain how it works.

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Agility Dave Martin Agility Dave Martin

Agile Metrics - Lead And Cycle Time

Last time we looked at the most common question we get from management -

What metrics will I get?

And saw that our usual answer - velocity - really isn't very good at answering that question. It's really only designed to be an internal measure for a single team. You can't use it to compare teams. I mentioned that Cycle Time is a much better metric to use for this sort of question, so let's take a look at Cycle Time. We will also look at its cousin - Lead Time.

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