Coaching Dave Martin Coaching Dave Martin

Breaking The Drama Triangle

Last time we started looking at the drama triangle - the three roles of victim, persecutor and rescuer - that people tend to adopt during a conflict. We saw that although the roles may shift over the course of a conflict, people remain stuck in that triangle, unable to break out, continually swapping roles but unable to resolve the conflict. We also saw the first hint of a way out of the triangle, by changing roles, not into one of the other classic drama triangle roles, but into something completely different.

Those different roles are creator, challenger and coach. To break out of the triangle, the victim needs to become the creator, the persecutor needs to become the challenger and the rescuer needs to become the coach. These three roles, although quite similar the victim, persecutor and rescuer (because after all they are the same people in the same conflict) have a shift in mindset that allows them to break free of the drama triangle and resolve the conflict.

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