Cognitis Consulting

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Scrum Australia 2013

Hi Folks

Over the last 2 days I have been taking part in the inaugural Scrum Australia conference. We have had Agile conferences for a while but this was the first specifically Scrum-themed one held in Australia.

There were over 300 Scrum people, from experienced coaches to complete novices and so many great presentations that it was hard to decide where to go next. Highlights for me were the great opening keynote from Kenny Rubin, a great talk on usability testing from Matt Hodgson from Zen Ex Machina and a fantastically energetic and productive Open Space on the second day.

I was lucky enough to be asked to give a presentation on doing Scrum in Safety Critical Applications (you can see the slides here) which was given to a small but very engaged crowd.

Best of all though was connecting with so many great people, some I've known for ages and some I only met for the first time.

